I-Vanessa Rumstajn
I-Vanessa Rumstajn/ ivcesse, are painting paintings in a abstract spektra. Mostly in the fabric of Acrylic colours, sometimes using oil pigments and aquarelle. Human likely figures, in different noble aspects.
Artist Statement
I-Vanessa Rumstajn - a painter which paint in an abstract spectra. She paints vivid, abstract figures which human likely are. Mainly, with acrylic colours, sometimes using aquarelle. She is inspired by what comes stemming from within, street culture and Greek mythology. The express importance she finds, of working with colours and lights. Colours and lights to enhance its ambience of the paintings for what is concealed and also appearing. She is exhibiting internationally and has been exhibiting in places such as New York and Venice etc.
What first prompted you to think of becoming an artist?
It has not immediate been anything which has prompted me to think of becoming an artist. I love to paint and I painted!
What kind of an artist do you ultimately see yourself?
I see myself as a female artist. But an artist which mainly are painting.
What are you hoping to communicate to the viewer through your work?
May I communicate a tale, a reaction” or history. Indeed simply nothing for the viewer to interpret. With a reaction, if you possibly happen to walk by an artwork of mine and recollect. Neutral own choice. If the viewer wants to have a percepted statement and signum on what’s to be communicated. She or he can ensue, example. the name of the painting, which receptively can be, a context of what’s to be communicated. Art on a wall, objectively, subjectively.
Can you explain the process of creating your work?
The process of creating a piece of painting, certainly differs. By any means, internally I am starting off with a sincere base. After I conceivably verifying that I have the righteous material, such as ensuring if having and abundant of colours and contemplatively feeling the environment which surrounds me. Then, am I setting composition of colours to a painting’s background, or the figure's sketch etc. Concluding finish details, last.
What is your favourite part of the creative process?
While I am painting, and I reach a meticulously specific sphere, can be settled anywhere in the process of the painting.
Can you give us an insight into current projects and inspiration, or what we can look forward to from you in the near future?
In veneration of the pandemic of Corona, COVID-19. I particularly painted a "She" painting wearing a mask, which depicted ambition to emblematise this timeline. She is a recurring silhouette that I approachable tend to paint. Drawing with charcoal for amusement. Watching the films is a “ current “ inspiration and X-Ray images. My inspiration comes stemming from within, Greek mythology and Street culture. If interested in knowing more about upcoming events such as art exhibitions, usually I link them on my website or Instagram page called ivcesse. Forthcoming, hopefully, I will get the opportunity to have more exhibitions with my art!
Website https://www.ivcesse.com/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ivcesse/
Facebook ivcesse
Balance/ Acrylic/ 30x30cm
-/ Acrylic/ 90x100cm
The Communication/ Acrylic/ 100x100cm
-/ Acrylic/ 60x75cm
Man/ Acrylic/ 60x90cm
Tennis During Night/ Acrylic/ 50x70cm