Jose F Bolet
Born in Cádiz, Spain, Bolet is an Award-winning Venezuelan artist and author. Studied at Escuela de Arte Cristóbal Rojas. Caracas, Venezuela. Specialized in cartoons and illustrations at Studios Sancho. Bolet also studied Philosophy and philosophy of the arts at UCV. Caracas.
Artist Statement
Bolet’s work explores the physiological relationship of today’s life and how we, as humans, are affected by this urban confusion we call society. On the surface, this day to day images reflects an intimate view and interpretation of the conflicts, isolation, and distress of our modern society.
What first prompted you to think of becoming an artist?
I am a direct descendant from Ramòn Bolet, an artist from the ninetieth century whose work seemed very impressive and detailed oriented to me. I remember going to the National Gallery in Caracas, Venezuela, spending hours watching his watercolors and remembering the stories my Dad used to tell us about him and his brother Nicanor, a writer himself. I thought, “ I want to be like him, a famous artist”
What kind of an artist do you ultimately see yourself?
I see myself as an artist who really is a reflection of my own lifetime, an artist capable of creating new ideas and images that truly understand the complexity of our modern society.
What are you hoping to communicate to the viewer through your work?
I hope to be able to communicate how we, as humans, are affected by this urban confusion we call society, but I want to do it in a reverse physiology fashion, not by showing the pain, but rather the marvelous of all things around us, from the little detail of a tree branch to the magnificent colors of the sky, or the mysterious look of an abandoned house.
Can you explain the process of creating your work?
I usually go around on my business trips with my phone taking snapshots of everything I might consider interesting or useful for my work. Then, when home, I select the best of several images based on a preconceived idea I have already formed in my mind. I know what kind of results I want, and what materials and techniques to use for that specific artwork are creating. My focus is on the carácter of the final result, I am never attached to forcing those ideas into the final result, I rather let the flow going and accepting when the artwork is finished, even if it is distant from my original idea.
What is your favorite part of the creative process?
My favorite part of the creating process is the use of the materials. I work in a very conventional fashion, so I enjoy the charcoal on my hands, or the ink running on the paper’s surface, which to me, is glorious.
Can you give us an insight into current projects and inspiration, or what we can look forward to from you in the near future?
As of right now I am working on finishing two books, and on mastering my drawing technique. The first one is a graphic novel I have been working on for a few years now, that I believe is about to be finished. The second book is a collection of watercolors I have made on my business trips. In regards to my technique, I am consciously pursuing taking it to the extreme by creating new ways of representing emotions by using atmospheric effects.
Instagram Boletjose
Facebook Jose Francisco bolet
Lake Michigan, Sagautuck Dunes. 9x12 Inc
Untitled. Watercolor and ink on paper. 9x12inc
Struggle. Oil and charcoal on wood panel. 4ft x2ft
Gentle breeze. Gouache and ink on paper.16.5x10.5 inc
Fox river. Watercolor on paper. 9x12inc
The two moons. Scratchboard. 9x12inc