Torhild Frøydis Eid
My name is Torhild Frøydis Eid. I am born i 1961 in Kristiansand, currently living in Son in the south-eastern part of Norway. I used to work as a navy officer, yet the service was getting increasingly demanding, I chose to leave. My inner voice urged me to explore and process things. As a result, I turned to painting and mindfullness.
Artist Statement
I have become a very passionate painter, and I love to experiment with colours, textures and techniques. I always aim at creating high-quality artworks and improving my skills, especially in acrylic abstract painting and in mixed media techniques. I find inspiration in my daily life and in the nature. The animals, the sea, the sky, the Light and also the music are my sources of inspirations.
In my paintings I seek to transfer my inner sensations to the canvas. While the music is playing - I surrender and I let the brush intuitively play over the canvas - especially when it comes to abstact paintings. The result is often unexpected, even to myself! My overall desire is to spread joy and good vibrations in a World of great challenges. I also want to awake and to remind the observer of all the Beauty in life. To appreciate what life has to offer even in small everyday things. We often search for something else, somewhere else. I want my paintings to give the observer moments of joy, just to breath, and make the observer present here and now.
What first prompted you to think of becoming an artist?
Ever since I was a child i have enjoyed drawing and colouring, but it is only now in recent years I have really been able to cultivate my interest in painting. I have become a very passionate painter, and I spend daily time in my small studio painting. Painting is my therapy, and my time for mindfulness and relaxation. I am now following an online painting course and I attended a painting class last autumn, but I am largely self-taught . I love being in an artist community where artists can inspire and support each other.
What kind of an artist do you ultimately see yourself?
I am an expressionist . I try to transfer my inner sensations to the canvas, often based on previous sensory experiences. My Sources of inspiration are the nature, the Light, the sea, the sky and the nature. Music and poetry give also creativity momentum.
What are you hoping to communicate to the viewer through your work?
My overall desire is to spread joy and good vibrations, and to awake and remind the observer of all the beauty in life. I appreciate what life has to offer even small everyday things. We often search for something else, somewhere else. I want my paintings to give the observer moment of joy, moment just to breath and to be present, here and now.
Can you explain the process of creating your work?
My creative process is often intuitive, where my inner feelings rule to a great extent, both the colour choice, the palette and the composition. The result is often surprising and unexpected, even to myself. My own genuine imprint!
What is your favourite part of the creative process?
Being in the creative flow – where time and space seem to cease to exit!
Can you give us an insight into current projects and inspiration, or what we can look forward to from you in the near future?
My current project (2021)
« WE CONTEMPORARY « ,MUSA International Art Space, Exhibition, Vienna, AUSTRIA 19-21 June 2021
« MONAT Gallery», Madrid, Spain 1-year representation
«The 2nd Edition of Monaco International Art Fair 2021»
Group Exhibition in « MONAT Gallery».
Rome/Italy, 1 august – 30 September «ROSSACINABRO Gallery».
In addition publication in July 2021 « International Contemporary Masters, Issue 14»
by World Wild Art Books. 6 artworks
Two major goals for next year, (2022).
Publication in « Important World Artists» Issue 5 by World Wild Art Books, in Feb 2022, 8 pages.
Exhibition with «PAKS Gallery», «Modern Art Masters in Complex du Louvre, Carrousel du Louvre» Oct 2022.
Facebook: Art by Torhild Frøydis
« Waterlillies» 60x60.
« The Magic of Water» 60x60